Thanks! You make very valid points. I thank you for taking the time to share. I think I can learn from a guy like you! I really like the "reading, games, family interation with minimal TV" approach for raising a family. I strive to do the same but it's tough today! We still do it though.
I understand your valid concerns about housing also. Yes, my grandparents and even parents could buy a house with only one person working. That's tough today.
I also respect the concern you have for your kids and 10 grandkids and can understand that sentiment perfectly as my kids are my greatest concern in general.
I still do have hope though that mankind will find a way to improve itself and its situation in these concerns you bring up.
There is starting to be pushback to the gridlock/tribe mentality from us normal people out here!...i.e. we're realizing we're being played by those who would have us gridlock and hate each other. I think there's more awareness of that. We're just in the growing pains of the information revolution I guess you could call it with the explosion of all media.
I really think things will be OK. I think there's way more good happening than is reported.
I really respect your opinion, sir, and I thank you for taking the time to comment so thoughtfully.
I hope you write btw! I could read your stuff more!