Member-only story


Ode to Pork Rinds

The faux keto cheater

Max Klein


Image by the author

Oh, rinds of pork I shall crunch thee forever.

I first spotted you in a convenience store.

Not with the chips and not with nuts.


What were you?

I wasn’t sure.

But I bought you anyway.

And that day changed my life.

I bit into a crunch I’d never felt.

Pig skin fried in its own fat.

Keto had coldly taken crunch from my life but now it was back!


The crunch soon melted into soft heaven.

And crumbs, (or dandruff?), burst like fireworks between my teeth and fell like soft snow on my clothes.

I laughed.

I ate the whole bag of you. Wait! Is that an ear? No, it’s just an over-fried piece.

What part of the pig were you on?

The back?

The leg?

The face?

It doesn’t matter.

You’re all good.

I thank God for the day I found you.

All alone.

With no snack category to love you.

But don’t worry…

I’ll love you, pork rinds.




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