I loved especially the last half of the article about what a good boss is. I think something different may happen with the types of leadership theories you mentioned as not quite robust enough to perhaps take more of a popular/central role, such as servant leadership — I don’t think they have stalled, but are slowly gaining ground and becoming more robust I believe. Though it takes a ton of time (I think generations) because real, ethical, and effective leadership training out there across the board is severely lacking. People have to seek this information out generally if they want it — and many don’t even know they need it. I think people in general are starting to realize a lack of good leadership is what causes most of their social and work problems as you touch on in your article. Some of these “modern” leadership techniques (and combinations of them) are like oak trees still in the sapling stage of human acceptance — as they get watered with awareness and proof of effectiveness they will grow to overshadow the bad leadership ideas. Absolutely excellent article. Thanks for writing it.